McConnell Strokes Out/Elon's New X w/ Red Pill Fight Club's Kang | The Whiskey Capitalist | 7.31.23
McConnell Strokes Out/Elon's New X w/ Red Pill Fight Club's Kang | The Whiskey Capitalist | 7.31.23

Tonight, we have a good friend of the show and our new found audience, Kang of the Red Pill Fight Club Livestream!!

We’ll dive into how he started his streams and his backstory as well as some other topics.

We will discuss Mitch McConnell’s recent Ctrl+Alt+Del moment during a press conference at the Capitol building, Elon Musk changing the Twitter logo/name to “X” and how much it has triggered the internet, and we also discuss a man who has spent at least $14k to turn himself into a Border Collie.

Should be a great show tonight!!