Ben Shapiro LOSES IT Over Tucker Carlson Statements, Wants To GO TO WAR
Ben Shapiro LOSES IT Over Tucker Carlson Statements, Wants To GO TO WAR

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire is accused of being America last and this clip does not prove otherwise.

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire decided to use Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire's show to find ways for influencing Americans into war.

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire has starts off as if Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire can understand why Americans wouldn't want to go to war but Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire misses the point that Americans have been feeling last for so long and don't want to keep putting other countries ahead of them by spilling American blood for wars that don't do anything for them.

Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire pushes for war so much but Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire does not plan on enlisting in war.

This is why Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire keeps getting accused of being America last.