H5N1 Bird Flu: New Pandemic, New mRNA Vaccine, Same Old Playbook w/ Dr. Kelly Victory & Brian Hooker – Ask Dr. Drew
H5N1 Bird Flu: New Pandemic, New mRNA Vaccine, Same Old Playbook w/ Dr. Kelly Victory & Brian Hooker – Ask Dr. Drew

Scary headlines about H5N1 avian "bird flu" are prompting new pandemic fears, after a massive infection prompted an Iowa poultry farm to kill more than 4 million chickens this week – just part of over 92 million birds killed since the 2022 outbreak.

••「 CALL IN & LINKS: https://drdrew.com/5292024 」•• Researchers say they're already working on a new mRNA vaccine to fight it.

According to Fast Company, "UPenn researchers say a comparison of the two types of vaccines shows the mRNA version was just as effective as the traditional one... H5N1 was first identified in 1997.

To date, it has infected 900 humans, half of whom have died from the virus.

(All of the recent people infected with the latest strain have recovered.)"