Canadian Health Minister Throws Unhinged Tantrum Over … Families Vacationing In Their Cars
Canadian Health Minister Throws Unhinged Tantrum Over … Families Vacationing In Their Cars

We're not sure what Canadian leftists are putting in their Tim Horton's coffee, but it sure isn't maple syrup.

It seems like it might be packets of methamphetamine.

Yesterday, The Post Millennial showed a video of a parliamentary hearing in Ottawa where conservative MP Rachael Thomas was asking for a cut in Justin Trudeau's gas prices in Canada so that families could enjoy a time-honored tradition: summer road trip vacations.

She is calm and rational in discussing the upcoming vote on Monday to provide tax relief to Canadian families.

And why not?

It seems like a reasonable accommodation.

But watch what happens next when liberal MP and Health Minister Mark Holland is recognized to speak: Trudeau's health minister Mark Holland gets TRIGGERED at the thought of Canadians going on a road trip: "Don't worry kids about climate change!

Don't worry about taking action on the planet!

Enjoy your 10 hours in the car and let the planet burn!"