'I Would Be Punished In Palestine': Lady MAGA Educates Pro-Palestine LGBTQ-er About Israel And More
'I Would Be Punished In Palestine': Lady MAGA Educates Pro-Palestine LGBTQ-er About Israel And More

It's not every day you see a Drag Queen school a Pro-Palestine LGBTQ'r so when this from Lady Maga crossed our timeline we had to watch and even share it.

Something we keep noticing about the pro-Palestine side is how grossly uninformed and ignorant they really are about Israel.

Even when they supposed went to the Middle East like this turnip.

-- Do queers for Palestine understand what they’re supporting?

How is it possible that people are this dumb?

Not knowing which country is Jewish and which is Islamic?

🤯 Because much of what is done in this country today is not education, it's indoctrination.

People like this 'know' what others want them to know.

Here's a question, if LadyMagaUSA wasn't in drag and approached these same type of people, do you think they would have listened to him or brushed him off as a white guy?