CBS News Labels Video of Biden Wandering in Italy as ‘Digitally Altered’ and ‘Cheap Fake’
CBS News Labels Video of Biden Wandering in Italy as ‘Digitally Altered’ and ‘Cheap Fake’

CORDES: “You’ve probably heard of deep fakes.

But just last week as President Biden was at the G-7 summit in Italy, cheap fake clips went viral on social media and were picked up by some news outlets.

Take a look at this clip for example.

It shows Biden and other world leaders watching a skydiving demonstration before the president is seen walking away, and looking in another direction.

Outlets claimed that he was sort of just aimlessly wandering away.

The clip amassed millions of views within just a few hours, when actually he if you widened out, you can see that he was talking to one of the members of the military that was participating in that demonstration.

So how prevalent are cheap fakes and how big of a problem will really be in this election?

Well, let’s take a look with executive editor of ‘CBS News Confirmed’ Rhona Tarrant, who joins us now from Studio 57 to explain.

Hi, Rhona, it’s great to see you.”