Exclusive: Julian Assange's Brother Defends Wikileaks Founder From US Espionage Charges w/ Gabriel Shipton & Dr. Aimee
Exclusive: Julian Assange's Brother Defends Wikileaks Founder From US Espionage Charges w/ Gabriel Shipton & Dr. Aimee

Julian Assange: freedom fighter or anti-American spy?

The Wikileaks founder faces 17 charges for espionage and 1 charge for computer misuse after publishing classified US documents & videos nearly 15 years ago – disclosures that many believe should never have been kept secret from American citizens in the first place.

••「 CALL IN & LINKS: https://drdrew.com/6192024 」•• His brother Gabriel Shipton and Assange's legal team say the leaks were legitimate First Amendment disclosures of unlawful activity by the United States.

Is the US government fighting for Assange's extradition as revenge for the embarrassing revelations that he published?