Garnet Harper w/ Meghan, DeVaughn & Gal Harper
Garnet Harper w/ Meghan, DeVaughn & Gal Harper

Join us for a profound episode of The Lavigne Show as we discuss the tragic story of Garnet Harper with his wife, Meghan, and his brothers, DeVaughn and Gal.

Garnet, a father of five from Sudbury, passed away after being denied a kidney transplant due to his unvaccinated status despite his dire health needs.

This episode will delve into the heart-wrenching details of Garnet's struggle, the family's fight against healthcare policies, and the broader implications of vaccine mandates on medical care.

We'll explore how Garnet's story has galvanized a community and inspired calls for changes in healthcare practices to ensure such injustices do not recur.

Join us in honouring his memory and continuing his fight for justice.