Dan McClellan on Danny Jones Argues from Inside the Book
Dan McClellan on Danny Jones Argues from Inside the Book

This is a pattern you will recognize once you deal with enough "biblical scholars" whatever that means.

They use the book to verify the book.

They don't look at history from outside of what the pages say, and too much of the account is non-historical.

So you get caught in a circular argument that revolves around what the book says to verify itself.

That's not how that works.

The writers weren't witnesses, nor do we know their names.

No guy named Mark or John, etc actually wrote the portions attributed to that name.

And the account was written long after the alleged occurrence.

When you get into the Torah you have even less historical accuracy and a ton of similarities to Greek Mythos.

We're having people dictate from a superhero comic book what we're supposed to accept as reality.

It's a polished and airbrushed collection of stories heavily borrowed from the Greek to give the Yaoists some claim to a rich past they simply never had.

This is a Hellenistic era writing for the Old Testament and a bizarre construct in the New.

Dan McClellan in my view inadvertently makes a better case for why biblical scholars should be challenged.

Danny Jones is a huge channel on YouTube.

Must be nice...